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ASB-Hilfsmissionen in Guatemala
Ukraine | ASB Foreign Aid

Emergency assistance to internally displaced persons in shelters | Ukraine

The project provides food and hygiene products to internally displaced persons temporarily living in collective shelters, with a particular focus on women and children. For example, special foods for nursing mothers and babies or hygiene items such as nappies are distributed.

The project

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    Project title: Emergency assistance to IDPs in collective centres in Ukraine

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    Project region: Lviv, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ternopil, Zakarpattia and Donetsk regions

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    Project financing: Nachbar in Not (NiN) and ASB Austria

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    Project volume: € 503,981.95, € 524,899.06

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    Project duration: 01/06/2022 - 15/09/2022 (3.5 months), 01/09/2022 - 31/12/2022 (4 months)

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    Target group: Internally displaced persons, in particular women and (young) children

As a result of the Russian invasion in February 2022, many people had to leave their homes in contested or endangered areas in search of safety. Many of them are now accommodated in temporary collective shelters and are provided with the bare essentials there.

How the ASB is helping in Ukraine

Food and hygiene aid in western Ukraine


The collective shelters in western Ukraine set up by the non-profit partner organisation Ukraine Education Platform have communal kitchens where residents cook for themselves. The partner organisation distributes food parcels and hygiene kits for families, including baby food and special hygiene products and utensils for children.

Food and hygiene aid in the occupied territories


People in the occupied territories are also living temporarily in collective centres and are dependent on humanitarian aid. In coordination with the authorities, HADC distributes relief items such as food, water and hygiene kits to the administrative offices of the shelters.

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