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Serbia | ASB Foreign Aid

IRIS NETWORKing - Local Networks | Serbien

The IRIS network, established by ASB and its local partners, is the only regional network bringing together small local civil society organisations and social service providers in South East Europe. IRIS links 200 organisations providing social services to vulnerable groups: People with disabilities, children and youth at risk, victims of domestic violence and refugees. The aim of IRIS is to strengthen the role of non-profit social service providers in the Balkans and to ensure that these organisations are recognised as equal partners by the public sector.

The project

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    Project title: IRIS NETWORKing - Development and strengthening of a regional network of local civil society and social service providers (several phases)

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    Project region: Western Balkans (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia und Serbia)

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    Project volume: 822.000 euros (current phase), 3.620.000 euros (total)

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    Funding: European Commission

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    Duration: 2012 - 2026

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    Target group: Social service providers and grassroots organisations; marginalised population groups (Roma, women victims of violence, people with disabilities, migrants/refugees, youth at risk, LGBTQ); ministries and institutions responsible for social welfare; municipal administrations; EU institutions and actors involved in the approximation processes; media

The Western Balkan countries that are reforming their social protection systems are still unable to respond to the complex and multiple social needs of their populations, exacerbated by the global pandemic. Social protection systems are not effective enough to reduce poverty and inequality. Civil society in the Western Balkans is facing shrinking space, lack of funding and overstretched capacity due to increasing demand for services. Since 2012, the European Union and ASB have been supporting the work of the IRIS network and its members in the Western Balkans.

How ASB is helping in Serbia

Direct support for civil society organisations/social service providers


ASB and its partner organisations offer IRIS network members a comprehensive programme to develop and improve their services and share best practice. The main tools are the annual regional social academy, the internship programme, mentoring for service licensing and financial support. The academy builds the capacity of CSOs and empowers them to expand community services. Training and mentoring programmes build human resources and quality standards for services. It also promotes the licensing process and the exchange of experience. The Small Grants Scheme strengthens the participation of grassroots organisations in decision-making processes and improves community life at the local level.

Greater participation and more influence on politics


The IRIS project aims to influence social policy in the target countries and at the same time to participate in the discussion on social reforms and social inclusion at the European level. The IRIS network provides a strong regional and national platform for advocacy activities in the Western Balkans and for monitoring key social reforms. The main tools for policy advocacy are shadow reports, civil dialogue and regional conferences on the social dimension.

Shadow reports are central to evidence-based policy advocacy. Civil dialogue meetings widen the space for civil society participation and give beneficiaries the opportunity to represent themselves. The Social Dimension Conference acts as a channel of communication with EU stakeholders. At regional level, it provides an opportunity to strengthen regional cooperation in the Balkans and to discuss practical common challenges in the field of social protection.

Raising awareness and improving the visibility of the social sector


This component targets the population of local communities, the media and other relevant stakeholders to promote social inclusion and the active participation of civil society in policy-making processes. Through a series of activities - study tours and media campaigns - IRIS gives a different voice to the prevailing atmosphere of stigmatisation and prejudice against the marginalised population. The experiences, best practices and lessons learnt from the project will be replicated in similar local and international events.

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