The project helped to improve the health of the most vulnerable people in underserved areas of the Anbar province by rebuilding and strengthening the healthcare system. Given the huge health needs in the target region and the limited services available, the construction of four well-equipped primary healthcare units in the districts of Qaim (2), West Ramadi (1) and Baghdadi (1) has made a significant contribution to improving the health situation of the population. This has led to a more stable basis of life and more resilient health structures.
Retrospective view: opening of a health centre in Anbar
As part of the project “Strengthening the healthcare system in Anbar” funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, the ASB handed over the Nafata Health Centre in the city of Albu Assaf to the state health authorities in an official ceremony on 3 March 2021. Albu Assaf is located in central Iraq in the Anbar province, west of Ramadi.
Ali Farhan, Governor or Anbar, expressed his gratitude for the innovative work of the ASB, the high-quality construction and the comprehensive support of the health infrastructure, which includes not only the restoration of physical infrastructure and equipment, but also training and capacity building of health workers. The Director of the Health Directorate in Anbar expressed his gratitude and appreciation to the ASB and the participating Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development for the improvement of the healthcare system in Anbar. The ASB provided a great deal of support to local health authorities and has helped to increase staff capacity.
The inauguration was also attended by the region’s most influential community leaders, local leaders and Sheikhs, who took the opportunity to tour the new health centre and learn about health services.
The health centre is one of four facilities modernised by the ASB to provide better healthcare for up to 100,000 people. The project, run by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, aims to contribute to improving the health system in underserved regions of Anbar.