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ASB-Hilfsmissionen in Guatemala
Central America | ASB Foreign Aid

Promoting self-determined and dignified living conditions by creating prospects for people to stay in the country | Central America

The northern triangle of Central America is affected by large-scale migration. Reasons for this include a lack of economic opportunities, high insecurity, an uncertain food supply, the effects of climate change and weak state structures. The ASB’s relief work helps to address the root causes of migration.

The project

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    Project title: The right to a self-determined and dignified life through the strengthening of prospects for people to stay in the country

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    Project region: El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras

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    Project financing: Federal Ministry for Economic Development and Cooperation (BMZ) and own resources of ASB, AeA, OCDIH, INSAMI and PMH

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    Project volume: € 2,733,333

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    Project duration: 01/12/2020 - 31/03/2024

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    Target group: 75,725 inhabitants of the 12 project municipalities (direct target group)

The northern triangle of Central America includes the territories of El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras. The people who live there are extremely vulnerable. The region is facing major social and economic challenges and continues to be characterised by high poverty rates, low economic opportunities and extreme inequalities of its population. This leads to a lack of prospects for staying and forced migration. Migration is manifested on the one hand in the large number of internally displaced persons within countries, but above all outside their respective borders, in the migratory movements to the north. The project area, the tri-national border area “Trifinio”, is particularly affected, as it simultaneously functions as an area for the expulsion, transit, reception and reintegration of migrants.

How the ASB is helping in Central America

Strengthening the capacities of local structures


Although initiatives and measures for migration and development are being implemented in the region, they are generally less formalised and local capacities are low. The project strengthens local institutional structures and expands the technical capacities of local authorities and key actors in the areas of migration, development, planning and implementation of public policies for sustainable development. In addition, the ASB raises awareness of migration through training courses and the forums of spaces where different peoples meet, thereby promoting dialogue between local authorities and other key actors about the issues and structural causes of migration. The ASB also promotes dialogue between the authorities and civil society.

Creating economic opportunities


The countries of the triangle face major social and economic challenges and continue to be plagued by high levels of poverty. Despite substantial economic progress, the manufacturing and labour matrices do not support or encourage the growth and expansion of high-productivity sectors. Moreover, poverty remains very high, as do inequalities among the population.
The ASB supports vocational training systems and promotes the vocational skills of the young population. In addition, the ASB offers training, technical assistance and seed capital for the establishment or strengthening of entrepreneurial initiatives. Particular attention is paid to young people and women, whose entrepreneurship creates further economic opportunities.

Strengthening a culture of peace


Although violence has declined in recent years, the region still exhibits high levels of insecurity and violence. These rates are a key factor in the breakdown and disintegration of the social fabric.
The ASB aims to spread and strengthen a culture of peace in the project communities. A model of “protective communities” has been developed and arts and leisure events are being held in the project communities. In doing so, the ASB informs about the risks of irregular migration, the culture of peace, peaceful conflict resolution and explains the prospects of staying in the region.

Institutional strengthening of local partners


The local partner organisations are strengthened in the efficient management of administrative, financial and technical processes as well as in the monitoring mechanisms. This improves their project implementation and the scalability of their results from the local to the national and regional levels. The ASB also provides training in gender equality and inclusion. The project implements an online platform for collecting data and information in the field of migration, enabling local partner organisations and actors to continuously improve and develop their offerings to the target groups. 

Migration in Central America has been increasing in recent years. Many families are seeking better opportunities in other countries, sometimes at great risk. ASB, together with its local partners, implemented a project in Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala to improve the prospects for a dignified life in their place of origin.

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