Helping people in Honduras | ASB Foreign Aid
Honduras is one of the countries most affected by climate change. Large parts of the country are located in what is known as the Central American Dry Corridor, which is affected by recurrent droughts. Low crop yields, lack of productive expansion and declining employment opportunities are leading to food insecurity and large numbers of people emigrating.
Projects in Honduras | Overview
These are the ASB Foreign Aid projects in Honduras:
Strengthening local climate-sensitive and universal WASH capacities
Ensuring food security
Strengthening inclusion in disaster risk reduction at all levels
Promoting self-determined and dignified living conditions by creating prospects for people to stay in the country
Support for strengthening livelihoods

Projects in Honduras | Details
Strengthening local capacities for universal and climate-sensitive WASH (Water, Sanitary and Hygiene)
The Climate Risk Index definitively states that Honduras is the country most affected by climate change worldwide. The western region is particularly prone to drought, which has resulted in it becoming the poorest region of the country with the highest food insecurity. The WASH project will ensure that the population of three highly vulnerable communities (Apacilagua, El Corpus and Concepción de María) have access to water and sanitation facilities.
Project title: Strengthening local capacities for universal and climate-sensitive WASH using and disseminating the Green Humanitarian Aid approach
Project region: Honduras
Project volume: 413,011.28€ for Honduras
Funding (general project): 12€ million (Federal Foreign Office and ADH)
Project partner: APEDES
Project duration: November 2023 - October 2026

Ensuring food security
In Central America, the ASB helps to ensure food security for a total of 34,320 people who are living in poverty and severely affected by climate change.
Project title: Food security for Central American populations affected by climate change
Project region: Honduras, Guatemala and regional (Central America)
Financing: Federal Ministry for Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and ASB’s own resources
Project volume: € 1,333,333
Duration: 01/12/2023 - 31/12/2025
Find out more about the project here

Strengthening participation in disaster risk reduction
The ASB is working in Central America to strengthen inclusion in disaster risk reduction at all levels. Our focus here is mainly on people with disabilities and their families, members of organisations of people with disabilities, public institutions in the field of inclusion, civil protection committees and national and regional civil protection authorities.
Project title: Implementation of the Sendai Framework in Central America: promoting a cross-border approach to strengthening inclusion in disaster risk reduction at the regional, national and local levels.
Project region: El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua
Financing: Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and own resources of ASB, AWO, CBM, FECONORI, CUSO International, CORDES, ACOPEDIS, ASORO, PREPACE
Project volume: € 2,000,000
Duration: 01/11/2020 - 31/01/2024
Find out more about the current project here

A life in dignity with prospects to stay
The ASB offers 75,725 inhabitants a right to a self-determined and dignified life in the 12 project municipalities by creating prospects for them to stay.
Project title: The right to a self-determined and dignified life through the strengthening of prospects for people to stay in the country
Project region: El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras
Financing: Federal Ministry for Economic Development and Cooperation (BMZ) and own resources of ASB, AeA, OCDIH, INSAMI and PMH
Project volume: € 2,733,333
Duration: 01/12/2020 - 31/03/2024
Find out more about the current project here

Support for strengthening livelihoods
The ASB is helping 3,540 vulnerable smallholder families living in the dry corridor of Honduras and Nicaragua and severely affected by climate change to strengthen their livelihoods.
Project title: Sustainable strengthening of livelihoods and increased income for smallholder families affected by climate change in the dry corridor of Honduras and Nicaragua
Project region: Honduras and Nicaragua
Financing: Federal Ministry for Economic Development and Cooperation (BMZ) and own resources of ASB, ADEPES, and UNAG
Project volume: € 1,111,111
Duration: 01/12/2020 - 31/03/2024
Find out more about the current project here

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50937 Köln