
Grafik: ASB-Netiquette
Everyone is invited to contribute to the pages of our social media presence and participate in our campaigns. The following regulations apply:
Our social media pages rely on your participation and your feedback! It goes without saying that you have the opportunity to add your own comments, photos and contributions to discussions. Sometimes we will use these to make them accessible to everyone.
We would also like to point out that user comments, opinions, photos and video material, which are posted on our site by others, represent the personal opinions of the respective users and not necessarily the opinion of Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund.
We look forward to and welcome all contributions and comments on the subject of ASB, including any critical opinions. However, please be sure to observe the following netiquette when making your contributions, most of which is self-explanatory.
- Address one another with respect – whether communicating with other fans or with administrators.
- Discussions and constructive criticism are welcome; insults, personal attacks and abuse are not.
- One-sided condemnation of entire groups of people is another thing that we do not want to see on our social media presence.
- Please remain fair and objective, since everyone has the right to their opinion. That is why we ask you not to force your opinion on others.
- Please avoid double posts or multiple posts or comments within a short space of time.
- Only upload content for which you have the necessary rights (such as image and copyrights).
We would also like to point out that contributions which have no direct or indirect link to the subjects relevant to ASB, are not welcome on this site. That is why we reserve the right to remove the following contributions and comments:
- Spam and advertising of any kind
- Posts that only draw attention to other sites
- Content that is offensive, threatening, violence-inciting, discriminatory, insulting, belittling to third parties, deceptive, sexist, racist or illegal.
We will delete any contributions and comments that do not adhere to this netiquette. In recurring cases, we may take action by blocking the user.
Thank you – and please enjoy using the social media presence of ASB Deutschland e.V.